Mt. Defiance 2004

5000 Vertical on a Sunny Day

The final conditioning hike of the Mazamas BCEP course was up Starvation Ridge Trail, joining with the Mt. Defiance Trail. The route was over 5000 vertical feet, seemingly ascending straight up to Warren Lake, then over to the Mt. Defiance Trail and straight up to the summit. The day had amazingly good weather, with sunny and clear skies the entire time.

You are viewing all 13 photos on one page.

Mt Defiance 2004: BCEP 20 Group

Mt Defiance 2004: Brenda, Dan, and Mt. Hood

Mt Defiance 2004: Curtis, Jay, and Mt. Hood

Mt Defiance 2004: Helens, Rainier, Adams Panoramic

Mt Defiance 2004: Helens, Rainier, Adams Panoramic 2

Mt Defiance 2004: Jay Taking Pictures

Mt Defiance 2004: Mt Adams

Mt Defiance 2004: Mt. Hood

Mt Defiance 2004: Mt. Hood Panoramic

Mt Defiance 2004: Shriram

Mt Defiance 2004: Tamara

Mt Defiance 2004: Warren Lake

Mt Defiance 2004: Warren Lake Panoramic