Sun: Jul 21, 2024

» Lewis Black's Anger Button. Hah, even better than an Easy button.     #

» Here's the How, When & Why of Buggy Rubber Tires | Engels Coach Shop (youtube). This was amazing, I had no idea the tire was just a piece of rubber like that and not a pre-made band).     #

Sat: Jul 20, 2024

» Double rucksack, backpack hanger. I am definitely printing a couple of those soon, I have far too many backpacks in a jumble in the closet...     #

» Home Assistant Control Panel For My Wall (youtube). That's pretty amazing honestly even though I have no desire to have one of my own.     #

Sun: Jun 23, 2024

» Sourdough Ciabatta Bread. I've been making these since I came across the recipe and they are amazing, I don't know if I'm ever going to make a "regular" loaf of sourdough again...     #

» Making the Ideal 3d Printer Montioring Live-Stream. That's amusing to me, using a live stream from a different camera than a camera directly attached to Octoprint.     #

Sun: Feb 11, 2024

» exif-database - photo details into sqlite. I have somewhere around 4Tb of my own digital photos that I've taken over the 22 years I've had a digital camera and while my organization is pretty good there's still times I want to do things like "show me all the photos I took October 6 2008" or some such. I pointed this at my drive and it took a bit (maybe 45 minutes?) but now I have an sqlite database that's super easy to query, for example:

sqlite3 photos.db "SELECT filename FROM exif_data WHERE json_extract(exif_json, '$.DateTimeOriginal') LIKE '2008:10:05%';"     #

» Galah honeypot, an LLM (Large Language Model) powered web honeypot, currently compatible with the OpenAI API, that is able to mimic various applications and dynamically respond to arbitrary HTTP requests. So devious, I love it, waste all the script kiddy's time.     #

» MySQL Schema for Developers, really nicely done free course. I'd argue it's not just for developers, anyone who's creating databases in MySQL (or MariaDB for the better version) would benefit from this.     #

Tue: Feb 06, 2024

» Replacing worn shock-cord in REI Half Dome 2 Plus. This is a fantastic guide, used it last year to replace the stretched out cord in my half-dome and everything is great, was pretty inexpensive as well.     #

Sun: Feb 04, 2024

» Easy, quick and free valid SSL certificates for your homelab using DuckDNS and ACME DNS-01. Or setup a homepage on your homelab and then you only have to know one. The advantage of this is things like ESPHome which have the ability to flash a local MCU require the use of SSL so this is a nice way to get that ability.     #

» National Center for Home Food Preservation, was helpful years ago when I was canning tomatoes, though in recent years I've taken to just freezing the sauce instead.     #

Mon: Jan 15, 2024

» Precautionary call for safety check of the EDELRID MEGA JUL. When I first saw the page it listed specific batches, now they've updated to say every one should be inspected so I pulled mine out and I think I'm in good shape.     #

» How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking—and Why You Should, or use the Firefox web browser and not have to worry about it.     #

» ProPublica Adds Ownership Information to Our Nursing Home Database. Worth being able to track down the owners so you can get an honest assessment of how it's run.     #

Sun: Jan 14, 2024

» How to Build a Small Solar Power System     #

» Colorado Experience: The Glenwood Canyon Highway and Colorado Experience: Gateway to the High Country. There's some neat stuff about Colorado from Rocky Mountain PBS     #

» How to fix the Docker and UFW security flaw, shame this isn't a default setting when installing Docker in the first place...     #

» Block Facebook with OPNsense, link to the forum post with the info. I have everything FB blocked on my network with a Pihole, this would just be one more excellent level of protection.     #

» VIN Lookup: How to Decode Your VIN. Interesting.     #

» Meridian Trail, did this on New Years Day (tradition for me to take the dog out on a hike on NYD). Great trail, completely empty on that day, but wow does it just rise and rise, look at that elevation profile!     #

» The Reel Rock climbing movie tour has made free the video called Resistance Climbing. This was filmed before the current conflict in Palestine and shows some of the issues the Palestinians have had, viewed through the lens of climbing and climbing access. It's an excellent video and well worth a watch.     #

» NHSTA Vehicle Recall Notices, super handy lookup via VIN to see if there's recalls on a car (in the US) and what the fix is.     #

Mon: Dec 25, 2023

» Mechanical Watch, step by step of how one is constructed, that was amazing and the interactive graphics are really neat, especially the springs and their bounce-back.     #

» How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking — and Why You Should. Or, just use Firefox which cares about your privacy at least a little.     #

» Making my own Bed Sensor, using a leak sensor is actually pretty smart, crazy long battery life for something you just want to know "is it on or off".     #

» Rebuilding Classic Drive-in-theater Speakers, wow that takes me back.     #

Sun: Dec 03, 2023

» While this is an old series (2012!) and some options inside of KDenLive have changed it's still really well done, as are their other articles on KDenLive. I read through it all today after bookmarking it some time ago and still learned something.

  1. Kdenlive Part 1: Introduction to Kdenlive
  2. Kdenlive Part 2: Advanced Editing Technique
  3. Kdenlive Part 3: Effects and Transitions
  4. Kdenlive part 4: Color correction
  5. Kdenlive Part 5: All About Audio
  6. Kdenlive Part 6: Workflow and Conclusion

One important thing I noticed, in part 3 they are no longer called "Transitions" but "Compositions".     #

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