Mount Audubon 2001

This Time We Make It

The last trip up Mount Audubon didn't go so well, with the weather turning us around not quite halfway. This trip was much better, the day was fantastic (right up until the downpour the last 20 minutes of hiking back to the car). I got sunburned, even though I used sun screen and Kate hurt her knee for a few days, but it was all worth it for the incredible view from the summit of Mount Audubon.

You are viewing all 8 photos on one page.

Mount Audubon 2001: Curtis and Longs Peak

Mount Audubon 2001: Longs Peak

Mount Audubon 2001: View Down the North Valley

Mount Audubon 2001: View East

Mount Audubon 2001: View of Brainard Lake

Mount Audubon 2001: View South

Mount Audubon 2001: View Toward Grandby

Mount Audubon 2001: View West