Mon: Dec 01, 2014

WDTV Hub Gen. Nice, pulls down movie posters and metadata for movies and tv shows you may have on your NAS. Just tested it with my WD TV Live and it works great, now to let it churn through all of the movies...     #>

Turn a Short Video into a Cinemagraph in Photoshop In Minutes. Not sure I have any appropriate video right now but I could shoot some with an eye towards this...     #>

Specto for Linux and WebMon for Windows. Two tools that will "watch" a website looking for changes. Sometimes RSS feeds don't exist (or get updated), sometimes you just want to know when something has gone live, or you'd like to know if someone came in and messed with your page. For whatever reason you can use a tool like this to keep an eye on things. It should be noted that Specto is considered abandon-ware, the author has stated that it's dead to him and will not be worked on anymore, but if the program works there's no reason for it to be updated...     #>

Slow Motion Water Balloon vs. Face Slap . The first half of this video where the balloons didn't break is now my favorite video from a high speed camera.


Video: The Golden Ratio vs. The Rule of Thirds. Apparently a couple of the Crop tool overlays in Lightroom are for the Golden Ratio.     #>

Minimal squid3 proxy configuration. Worked great to get a new install quickly running, though I am just using ncsa_auth and htpasswd to add the couple of users I needed.     #>

For Mere Mortals, a website to tie into the "Wood Working for Mere Mortals" YouTube channel, and this one has a "home/garden" section as well. I've enjoyed his videos for a while, nice to see a website where they are being collected.     #>

A Rundown of Common ‘Tricks of the Trade’ Used by Professional Product Photographers. I knew of a couple of these but the "ice on the bottle" trick is new and nifty.     #>

Google Devices and Security. Interesting, Google will tell you what devices have your Google account information (phones/tablets/laptops/etc). Handy to check if your account has either been compromised or you forgot to scrub it when selling a device...     #>

Excel Templates, some decent stuff in there that should work in Libre Office as well.     #>

Combo lock trick. This is great, I never understood how a combination lock works. I also had no idea there was a "reverse combination" but after seeing the insides it makes sense.


Pork Cuts: A Visual Guide. A friend is in talks to buy a whole pig from a local farmer, this will come in handy (hell yeah I'm in on this deal!)     #>

D-Vasive. For Android, tells you when an app has activated the camera, microphone, bluetooth, or wifi. Helps let you know what is spying on you.     #>

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